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Are you feeling stressed? Almost everyone goes through times when they are overwhelmed by school, home, peers or recent events. We care about you and want to help! Please reach out to one of the resources below so that we can help you through.
DVHS Counseling - Your counselor can offer you more than just class scheduling! They are a valuable resource and trained to help you in many ways, including personal support. Talk to your counselor. Tell them that you would like some personal support. Look Up  your counselor.
24 Hour Crisis Services
  • California Youth Crisis Line  (800-843-5200)
  • Contra Costa Crisis Center  (800-833-2900)
  • Teen Crisis Line  (800-RUNAWAY) 
  • National Runaway Switchboard  (800-786-2929)
  • Child Protective Services (to report child abuse/neglect)  (925-646-1680)
  • Parental Stress Service  (800-829-3777) or
  • Homeless Hotline  (800-808-6444)
San Ramon Teens - Once at the site, go to the "Links" tab
Discovery Counseling Center of the San Ramon Valley -  Help for Couples, Families, Children, Teens, Groups - ( or Phone 925-837-0505)
Peace Counseling Center - Resources for Couples, Families, Children (Phone 925-648-7003)
Axis Community Health - Drug/Alcohol Abuse, Domestic Violence, Anger Management (927-249-1254)
Center for Creative Living - Parenting Classes, Groups, Couples, Teens, Individuals  (925-855-1745)
Trinity Life Counseling - Teens, Couples, Families, Children, Groups - Christian Focus (925-262-1155)